PAPIs 2015

GCS Agile was front and center as PAPIs ‘15 hosted more than 150 attendees and 14 speakers from around the globe.

Posted 10 years ago

GCS Agile was front and center as PAPIs ‘15 hosted more than 150 attendees and 14 speakers from around the globe. The speakers came from industry leaders in predictive applications and APIs such as BigML, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and NICTA. GCS Agile CEO Gerry Carcour opened the conference with PAPIs General Chair Louis Dorard, which kicked off an amazing series of discussions. Without the support of event partners, volunteers, committee members, speakers, and of course the attendees, PAPIs would not have been the same! Over the coming days and weeks, slides and videos of all presentations will be made publicly available so please keep an eye on the PAPIs website for updates.

PAPIs2015 Sydney Flyer

We would also like to extend a special thanks to the Big Data Analytics group of Sydney, its founder Rami Mukhtar, and IAPA for hosting a meet-up the night before PAPIs began. The meet-up alone drew over 400 people and was a huge success! We’re glad to have IAPA endorsing this event given its importance for the future of analytics. IAPA is the Institute of Analytics Professionals of Australia with a mandate to drive the importance of analytics within business, and to create a community and provide resources for analytic professionals. If you haven’t already we urge you to connect with IAPA to find out what else is happening in the industry.

With all that went on it’s hard to imagine having better news regarding the future of the PAPIs event series. However, there is more good news! It was announced during the closing remarks that the next edition of PAPIs will be held in the U.S. and further information will be available as the details are finalised. 

The conference left us very excited for all things predictive analytics. Please keep an eye out for additional information on the upcoming PAPIs events!